Hair Loss Facts
Male-pattern baldness can be inherited and the hair loss usually begins later in life. However, for some males, hair loss can occur much earlier and they might begin to notice hair loss or thinning of the hair in their 20s. Male-pattern baldness usually starts with receding hairlines and then it begins thinning your hair at the crown and temples. This creates a horseshoe shape around the sides and the back of your head.
Hair loss can also occur in women. This is more well-known as female-pattern hair loss and is less common in women. This type of hair loss can be inherited and usually affects post-menopausal women. Female-pattern baldness begins at the top of the head and this includes the thinning of the hair.
Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that can affect both men and women. This condition affects the scalp and is often caused by an autoimmune disorder in your body. The autoimmune disorder means that your immune system is attacking the hair follicles which cause the hair loss. The damage caused to the hair follicles are often not permanent and can be recovered with the right treatment.
Minoxidil is effective at recovering hair. Minoxidil is an fda-approved hair product which is capable of helping restore your hair. Minoxidil is a topical lotion, that is applied to the scalp to help encourage hair growth and prevent further hair fall out. Minoxidil belongs to a class of drugs known as vasodilators. Topical solutions such as trioxidil, containing natural and bioactive ingredients are also clinically proven to help achieve healthier-looking and thicker-looking hair.
The average human has roughly 100,000 hairs on their heads and they will lose around 50 to 100 hairs naturally per day. The amount of hair loss does vary from person to person and it may be more apparent with those who have long hair. Our hair cycle usually produces more hair than we lose, however, once the cycle begins to produce less hair that is when hair loss may occur.
Not every type of hair loss is preventable, however, there are a variety of methods and treatments which can help reduce the thinning of the hair and slow down the hair loss. There are different types of hair loss shampoo available which can help strengthen your hair and revitalize your scalp to preserve the hair you have.
There are several factors which can contribute to hair loss. Dyeing your hair with chemicals and colors can be very harmful to your hair if done on a regular basis. This is the same with hot curlers, straighteners, and hair dryers. The heat from the equipment can weaken the proteins in the hair which reduces the strength of your hair.
Be careful with how you style your hair. Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss which is caused by the constant stress applied to the hair. Pulling your hair back too tightly for a hairstyle may cause gradual hair loss as it stresses the scalp and reduces hair production. This type of hair loss is often preventable and permanent balding from traction alopecia is very rare as long as you treat your hair carefully.
Your hair has an average lifespan of roughly two to six years. Every strand of hair on your head has a continuous growth cycle, known as the hair growth cycle. Whenever a strand of hair sheds, a new strand of hair will begin growing to replace it.
Washing your hair regularly is not always bad. Frequently washing your hair allows your hair to stay clean, healthy and it can promote the steady growth of hair. Without the regular washing of your hair, the dirt can clog up for pores on your scalp which reduce hair growth.